I am 23-year-old from Holliday, and I’ve planted my roots in Wichita Falls with my husband, Tyler, and our son Oaklee. Tyler is a diesel mechanic that travels to majestic places like West Texas, and Oaklee is a free-spirited kindergartner.
In my free time, I enjoy the outdoors with my husband at the deer lease, volunteering through Junior League of Wichita Falls, and watching my little guy explore the game of golf and the art of playing the violin.
Over this su

mmer I was presented with an opportunity that I could not pass up. Helping kids is a huge passion of mine. If I can help improve children’s lives in our community and get paid for it? Well, sign me up!
I am a fundraising professional at United Regional Foundation serving as Children’s Miracle Network Specialists. My cup is overflowing with opportunity and love for the pediatric patients helped at United Regional. I am excited to expand awareness about Children’s Miracle Network at United Regional.
That passion has led me to accept a new position as the Children’s Miracle Network (CMN) Specialist at United Regional Hospital. In a nutshell, I help promote and raise funds for services and supplies that help pediatric patients. I am excited to implement my fundraising, marketing, and social media skills at the United Regional Foundation office.
United Regional is a proud member of CMN Hospitals. In Wichita Falls, the program began before Wichita General, and Bethania Regional merged and since has raised close to $13 million through a variety of special events. Today, United Regional continues to provide needed equipment and programs for children ages 0-18 and treats nearly 20,000 patients each year.
I am on fire for the endless opportunities for our CMN at United Regional hospital!